Day 20
Day 20..
Jeez where have the last 2 weeks gone? i can't believe its already 3 weeks into this journey!
there is relatively no pain anymore except the add shock of my jaw moving in a position its not used to anymore. my face is still completely numb though which bothers me but not overly.
I've noticed a few of my brackets have broken off some teeth due to the jaw wire I'm assuming. 2 on my molars and 1 or 2 on my canine teeth. surgeon did say its nothing to worry too much about though.
I've been eating a lot more lately which makes me feel better, although I've lost roughly 25lbs which i know is not the healthiest. Finally built up the nerve to eat blended chilli which is absolutely amazing at this point..
Imagine not eating for a month straight,,, and then having an extra large pizza and chicken wings placed in front of your face... thats how i felt eating that chilli the other night.. #Savage!
winter is definitely coming.. (Game Of Thrones Pun Intended)
its getting really cold out and frosty which is enough to send any man who enjoys his warmth into a spiralling shock of depression. even though I've had the pleasure of sleeping with 4 huge great danes in the same bed to keep me warm when they get up its like being thrown into the arctic but naked!
other that that I'm sure my rambling has begun to bore you so i will leave this here for you all to read and for some to cringe at the thought of me naked in a winter storm :)
p.s next appointment is Friday.... this wire had better be removed on said day... or i will Purge...
#GodBlessAmerica #EvenThoughImCanadian
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