Post-Op Day 35

Day 35

Pain level  -  0/10
Discomfort Level  -  2/10
Craving  -  Cheeseburger with Onion Rings
Elastic Position

Not much going on these last few days, slowly slipping into some kind of psycho boredom lol
CallOfDuty just isn't cutting it anymore as much as i love it.
I've been going out much more to be a little more social which feels great.
The only downside at this point is its snowing.... yeah... snow....cold...freezing weather... not okay with this right now as it hurts my face when the wind is strong enough.

Recovering updates

  • Face is still pretty numb on my chin, lower lip, and cheeks. although the (Pins and needles) are starting to happen on my chin et which is telling me the feeling is coming back.  its almost as if my face is separated in half, meaning feeling is coming back more on one side of my face. especially my pallet, i can feel my entire pallet now on the right side but as soon as you touch the middle it becomes numb.
  • doing daily exercises with my jaw seems to be helping quite a bit as I've noticed the movement has become a lot more easy over the last few days. still pretty sore and feels as if i have some sort of lock jaw. but it improves everyday.
  • I am officially a PRO at these elastics now! getting them in doesn't even require a mirror anymore lol. 
  • Ramen Noodles..... yeaaaa we had a good go.. but I'm gonna have to break up with you.. "Suh Dude"
  • No more drooling as of last week, which makes me feel a little more normal :) 
  • aches and pains that were happening sporadically in my lower jaw and jaw muscles towards my ears do not seem to be happening anymore.
  • teeth are still completely numb which causes some tough times when attempting to chew soft food like bread.

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