Post-Op Day 22 ( NO MORE JAW WIRE )

Day 22
Pain Level  -  2/10
Discomfort Level  -  2/10

Had a picture... but it deleted itself apparently.. i know right?

so the wire decided to slip slightly off my teeth I'm assuming fro constantly yawning and coughing ( i think i may have a slight cold :( )
so now guess what?..... i get to speak a little better and i can eat mac&cheese without chewing but still much much better than blended!!!

finally semi solid but still soft food!
i was able to eat chicken noodle soup with egg cooked into it and like 6 slices of severely buttered bread!  <--- that part was what I've been waiting for for 3 weeks now!!
i feel i may be in a lot of pain tomorrow though as i am using my jaw muscles quite a bit to eat and speak.

Nearly 0 pain whatsoever except for when i yawn or sneeze or twitch my jaw in a way that I'm not used to. 
still completely numb on my nose, cheeks, chin and lower lip. which is a little bit of a struggle as when i eat i accidentally bite my lower lip which causes pain. 
one thing that is bothering me is my teeth are not exactly "perfect"... in a sense where i notice my lower teeth kind of slant from high to low from the left to right which freaks me out.. wondering if that may be from the rotation part of the surgery.. fingers crossed that this can be fixed with Ortho treatment down the road.
also my midlines don't match up which I'm hoping will ALSO be fixed with Ortho treatment afterwards.

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