Post-Op Day 30 (1 Month)

Day 30
Pain Level  -  1/10
discomfort Level  -  2/10
Craving  -  Any kind of 12'' Sub from Subway!
So we have finally reached the 1 month mark. WOW 30 full days since my face was violated by surgical equipment lol.
its unbelievable how fast it has gone by, how much has changed throughout that time in my health and in my appearance.
so to celebrate?
KRAFT DINNER!!!!!!!!!!!!
Im finding it a little difficult to do a daily blog now as the main reasoning for this is to update you on y condition, recovery and daily routine. now because I'm still swollen a tiny bit, and i find it a bit difficult to communicate still even without the jaw wire on or many elastics, i am not doing a whole lot with my life except for playing XboxOne and relaxing until i go back to work. 
sleeping has been a big part of my life as well :)
so i try and update every chance i get, given the odd day i may forget as well.
so here is my update on my recovery :P

  • Chin, lower lip, cheeks and nose are still completely numb
  • I can open my mouth about 40% wide before it gets painful
  • every so often my jaw twitches to the left causing 2 seconds of rough pain :(
  • eating KD is most likely the most amazing thing someone could ever do after jaw surgery.. and i will never take eating for granted again.... EVER
  • I'm still somewhat swollen, or atlas i hope so. in my cheeks and lips as far as i can see.
  • I find my ability or (want) to be around a group of people increasingly more. even though i do sometimes feel all eyes are on me which as a DJ and YouTuber i don't mind normally but in my mind everyones mindset is (eww why is he so swollen!!)

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